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Harper says Windsor "shifting" towards Tories

alt test October 4 2024

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Windsor-Essex is “shifting” towards the Conservatives running up to a federal election over the next year. Harper told a recent local gathering that “in Windsor this whole area we’ve got a real opportunity here, the demographics, the whole political scene is shifting in our direction.” He encouraged attendees to “make sure that Windsor is fully represented” in what is expected to be a “huge majority” Tory government. Harper, who lost to the Liberals in 2015 and immediately resigned as Tory leader, told party faithful - who applauded and whooped shouts in agreement - that the Liberals under Justin Trudeau have made a “terrible mess.” Harper recalled that “unfortunately everything I said would happen ….. has now come to pass,” in a video posted on X. “100 per cent!” someone agrees. Continued Harper, “to be really clear, what the problem is with this government, yes they’re very left wing and I hate their ideology but that is not the point ..… the worst thing about them, is they are not serious people – right? – they don’t take their job seriously (to applause) they don’t read their files, they don’t run the public service, they don’t deliver programs, they don’t try to make the hard decisions you’ve got to make around budgetary …” Harper said he had “absolutely no doubt” that Pierre Poilievre will win the election but warned that the country is in “terrible shape and frankly (it's) going to be worse a year from now.” The election must be held no later than next October though the government could be brought down anytime on a non-confidence vote, as the Tories have begun trying to do. The region is now represented by one Liberal, One NDPer and two Conservative Members of Parliament.

Image: X


City could spend $100,000 on ward study

alt test Sept. 19 2024

City Council is being asked to spend at least $100,000 on a consultant to study changing ward boundaries as soon as before the 2026 election. The last review took place in 2010 and resulted in 10 wards. The city's ward number has grown - and fluctuated - over the past century as Windsor has grown in population and in area by annexing several surrounding municipalities. In the 1930s the city had five wards. The number increased to eight wards in 1965 but returned to five wards in 1978. But with more people and economic growth – “as well as shifting strategic and community priorities,” says a report – that number may change again. A preliminary review has been undertaken and a more detailed one would be carried out by a private consultant and likely take up to 10 months to prepare. Several stages would be involved including an interim report to City Council. Public consultation would be an “important element” with open houses for discussion and citizen input. “It will also be as important to gain the opinions of council members since it is the council members who are familiar with representation and workload capacity,” the report says. The last boundary review in 2010 was conducted by Robert Williams, a professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo and a municipal voting systems expert. He was also consulted on this review. City elections are held every four years.


Egg removal, hazing and relocation possible solutions to Windsor's pesky Canada Geese

alt test Sept. 11 2024

The city could finally attempt to deal with the perennial problem of excessive and annoying Canada Geese. A staff report suggests a three-pronged approach over a three-year pilot project. The strategy includes egg removal, hazing and relocation. Culling - or killing them – would be next to impossible. One reason is that a bylaw prohibits discharge of firearms, another is cost is “quite substantial” and a third is that a permit would be “dependent” on what other measures have been tried first. Egg removal “essentially involves locating the nests in late April and removing the eggs from the nest.” Hazing makes geese “uncomfortable” through lights, lasers, pyrotechnics and specially trained dogs. A permit is also required and if “not done correctly or at the proper intervals, the effect will be very minimal.” Relocation must be done in early summer when birds are molting and unable to fly. They can be “safely rounded up into a trailer or similar and taken to a suitable relocation site or sanctuary such as Jack Miner” though an agreement would have to be reached with the destination. Staff say these measures “should not be done in isolation but rather utilized together as part of a multi-faceted approach.” But a strategy “cannot guarantee complete removal.” This is an “annual plan…limiting the number of goslings born each year, making existing geese less comfortable so they find other homes and potentially relocating a number of existing geese residents.” Cost? At most, $450,000 over three years.


Streetcar cafe to operate seasonally, outdoors, and offering specialty coffees, charcuterie

alt test August 14 2024

Windsor’s newest riverfront eatery still needs a name but operator Keith Rajsigl is looking forward to getting the operation up and running as soon as he gets the greenlight from the city. Raysigl owns Lakewood Ice Cream in Tecumseh and was a successful bidder to operate the café at the new Streetcar Legacy Beacon along the west riverfront, nearing completion this fall. The building will house historic Streetcar 351 one of the city’s original streetcars which has been lovingly restored. But the Beacon will also offer a food service, the details of which are still being worked out. Rajsigl has a history in the food industry, having operated A & J Snack Shack in Belle River and being a former partner in Forest Glade’s Vittorio’s Trattoria, now operating its food truck. Rajsigl long wanted to be part of the Streetcar project. “Born and raised in Windsor, my wife and I go for jogs along the waterfront, what the city of Windsor has done with the waterfront in protecting that land is just absolutely incredible and it’s something we would love to be a part of.” The service will be one of two along the 5.2 km length of riverfront parkland, the other the sit-down restaurant at the foot of Ouellette Ave. The Streetcar site will only offer outdoor table dining. Rajsigl says ice cream will be offered, cold and hot beverages including specialty coffees, specialty sandwiches, poutine, charcuterie. Seating number is still being worked out by the city. No café name has been chosen yet. “Everything is going through for final approval through the city,” he says. Rajsigl is also working on obtaining a liquor license. City spokesman Jason Moore said the Beacon “remains on track for completion in the fall, with a grand opening date still TBD.” The concession will operate April 1 – Oct. 31 seven days a week. Hours may be adjusted “as we see the supply and demand of it,” Rajsigl said.

Image: City of Windsor


$38 million for Ojibway wildlife overpass

alt test July 23 2024

A wildlife overpass over the west end’s Ojibway Parkway and ETR train tracks would cost $38 million. The next step is a 30-day review period for a completed environmental study. Study funding is coming partly from the Gordie Howe Bridge’s community benefits plan. The “ecological” overpass would allow wildlife to cross between two natural areas on either side of the Parkway/ETR tracks - the Black Oak Heritage Park on the west and Ojibway Park on the east. “This objective further supported goals of reducing wildlife mortality and increasing driver safety for the heavily travelled Ojibway Parkway corridor that sees approximately 20,000 vehicles per day,” a city report says. An engineering consultant prepared four location options, the best being a span that crosses south of Broadway St. It would also include a landscaped bridge. The overpass would be 50 metres wide, the “large width” to meet “the movement needs of a broad spectrum of wildlife - large and small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.” As well, “microhabitat features and vegetation placement will be designed to enhance crossings by bats, birds, invertebrates, and plants.” No humans will be allowed to use it. The cost would be $38 million in today’s dollars. Some private property would have to be acquired. The Gordie Howe Bridge authority is paying $250,000 towards the study and Parks Canada is kicking in $150,000 for a total of $400,000. No decision has been made to move forward with actual construction. The report says the intent is to seek funding “from environmental organizations, provincial and federal levels of government” with the balance from the city.

Image: City of Windsor ______________________________________________________________________

City is moving to claw back funding for myriad business improvements that never took place

alt test July 8 2024

The city is moving to rescind grants to a couple of dozen developers and businesses because they have not begun or completed property improvements to enhance their neighbourhoods. There are some seven CIPS or Community Improvement Plans including those for Olde Sandwich Towne, Downtown Windsor and Ford City (Drouillard Rd.). Some were approved as early as 2011. Originally the city did not impose deadlines for completion, but that has since changed. The money - at least $600,000 - was never doled out but held until completion or completed paperwork. “Some applicants have decided to not pursue approved projects, other projects have not commenced within a reasonable timeframe, and some approvals have been affected due to a change in ownership,” the city says. The purpose of the grants was to “encourage investment that wouldn’t be financially viable within Windsor without incentives.” The properties vary widely from vacant lots to modern manufacturing buildings in suburban business parks to high profile buildings and open lots in high-trafficked business districts. Several are on Ouellette Avenue either at or south of Wyandotte Street. Among the applicants are some high-profile city businesses including Tessonics, Windsor Tool & Die, BASF, Farrow Realty, Walkerville Commercial Centre, Skyline Commercial Real Estate, Vollmer and Kadri Family Holdings. The grants covered everything from additions to manufacturing buildings and head office renovations to the construction of a tourist destination at an indoor soccer facility (3400 Grand Marias E.). One, at 1207 Drouillard Rd., was to create a microbrewery. Another at 775 Riverside Dr. E., is a vacant lot at the corner of Marentette Ave. An empty lot at 1567 Ouellette Ave. was to have become a new business incubator. A Victoria Ave. address was to have been a 120-unit apartment building with ground floor commercial. Some were simply houses where owners wanted an accessible dwelling unit (ADU) or tiny home. A pharmacy at 747 Ouellette was to have been renovated. A ramshackle former variety store at 700 Brock (photo) in the west end was to have been rehabilitated.

Photo: Google Street View ______________________________________________________________________

City spending $20.5M on H4; vast majority of users suffer health and encounters with police

alt test June 23 2024

The City of Windsor has allocated $20.5 million in capital costs to its cornerstone Homelessness & Housing Help Hub or H4 since 2020. And current operating costs of $2.1 million are being funded by the federal government. The city recently approved an additional $1.4 million to expand hours. The city hopes to “leverage” city support for more fed and provincial aid and private donors which will be “critical” to its success. Without it, the city could “reduce and or eliminate” homeless help. Meanwhile, a private consultant has evaluated H4, recommending strengthening services and even renaming it. The report is by Oakville’s Orgcode Consulting, which describes itself as an advocate for the homeless and as “merry misfits that disrupt the status quo.” It conducted almost 50 surveys with people using H4 (through there is no information on the total number of users) and found the average age was 42. Also, 61% were “cisgender” (identifying as the same gender as registered at birth) men, 37% cisgender women and 11% Indigenous. 51% were white and 31% Indigenous. Males were homeless almost three years. The greatest barrier to regular shelter was lack of affordable housing, personal income, and struggles of “day to day survival.” Most users had physical, addiction or mental needs with almost a whopping 89% having been to ER in the past six months. The vast majority had encounters with the police - 76% in the past six months – and 86% were incarcerated at some point in life. The consultant’s first recommendation is that 120 permanent housing units be created “as rapidly as possible” and another 230 by 2029. The city has proposed 64 for the Hub itself and is “exploring” other options. H4 is locate in the former Windsor Water World building at 400 Wyandotte St. E.


City moves to improve Sandpoint Beach safety

alt test June 10 2024

The city has moved ahead with some safety improvements to east side’s Sandpoint Beach following two recent swimming deaths there. The swimmers had accessed a forbidden point on the beach’s west side, where signs warned of hazards due to strong river currents. A previous four-foot fence along the shoreline and perpendicular into the water was heightened at the end of May to eight feet. “A taller fence should help to further deter anyone attempting to climb the fence onto private property in order to wade, swim or fish in the area,” city recreation director Jen Knights wrote in a report to City Council. And the existing perpendicular fence was extended further into the water “to help keep swimmers out of the dangerous areas.” Knights said Council could approve more fence – 230 ft. length - from Riverside Dr. to the current fence to “help further restrict the beach area.” Doing so would result in a drop in size of the beach by 15 per cent. (see image). As a “further precaution" the city has already removed beach volleyball from the beach’s west end. “While beach volleyball itself is not dangerous, the removal of net system is out of extreme caution and to limit any errant balls from landing in the water,” Knights says. Existing signs indicating hazards every four feet along the existing fence might not be good enough. “These signs contain pictographs to ensure all members of our diverse community can understand the dangers.” The two people who recently died were foreign students. However, “stronger language” can be used, she says. “Administration can place additional signage in the area noting that not only is the area outside of the designated swimming area dangerous, but it is also potentially fatal and therefore prohibited to enter the area at all.”

Image: City of Windsor


16-storey tower proposed for DT's west side

alt test May 27 2024

A major 16-storey, 88 unit residential tower is proposed for downtown’s west side, the first new tower in the city’s core since Caesar Windsor’s Augustus hotel tower (27 stories) was built in 2008. Developer AE Baird is the proponent. The proposal goes before the city’s development committee in June. The proposal “will provide a form of housing that is appropriate in terms of range and mix of the existing neighbourhood,” says the city’s planning department which is recommending approval. The building would be located on the northeast corner of Caron Ave. and Chatham St. W., where a vacant lot currently exists. Despite being a contemporary high rise tower the building is designed to fit in to the “heritage” character of the city’s surrounding “Old Town” neighbourhood. “The podium level of the proposed structure will contain a setback that matches the existing structures on Chatham Street West and will be clad in red brick. This is a material sympathetic with the streetscape of Chatham Street West and the wider Old Town Neighbourhood,” the city report says. A public meeting was held last June and of 145 neighbouring landowners contacted, three people showed up and there were no objections. In fact, says a consultant, “no one provided any indication of opposition to the proposed 16-storey building at this location. In fact, from my vantage point, the three were clearly welcoming to the idea and project.” Parking would be on levels 2, 3 and 4 of the five-storey podium, clad in red brick. A small visitors parking lot would be constructed across the street.

Image: AE Baird


Windsor's DT office vacancy rate is "the highest of any major downtown in Canada"

alt test May 13 2024

Windsor’s downtown has the highest office vacancy rate of any city in Canada. That’s according to commercial realtor CBRE vice president Brad Collins. In a letter to the city in advance of its debate on a special expenditure of money to bolster downtown safety and amenities, Collins said vacancies of 41.6% is “the highest of any major downtown in Canada and well above the national average of 18.4%.” And it’s well above “comparable markets” like London (29.1%) and Waterloo (22.5%). Today’s vacancy rate is in high contrast to what it was just before the pandemic, when it was 20.4%. Yet Windsor’s suburban vacancy rate only increased marginally from 10.2 to 11% in the same period. As for commercial vacancies, CBRE’s estimate is “conservatively 33% and likely much higher.” Collins said altogether these rates signify a “crisis.” He said downtown “continues to lose high profile tenants every year.” The most recent is call centre Sutherland "one of Windsor’s largest office users.” Collins said office staff are key to downtown revitalization. “Without daytime office users, retail has continued to struggle with evening traffic, resulting in notable longstanding bar and restaurant exits as well.” Collins said it’s imperative the city act as there is “real risk of further erosion.” Under the city plan at least a dozen police would be added to downtown patrols. “Having assisted countless companies considering relocation across Windsor, safety and security remains the number one reason companies either elect to leave downtown or not consider downtown at all,” Collins said. ______________________________________________________________________

Former Windsor Liberal big comes out against federal Liberals' new budget tax increase

alt test April 29 2024

Former Windsor area high profile provincial Liberal MPP and cabinet minister Dwight Duncan has come out against the federal Liberal government’s controversial capital gains tax increase in the recent budget. In a Financial Post op-ed the former deputy Ontario premier and finance minister joins with another former high profile federal Lib, John Manley, to decry the controversial increase. It says increasing the inclusion rate from 50 to 66 per cent on higher income Canadians is “likely to make worse” the country’s “growth and productivity challenges.” The ministers, including Manley who served under former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, say “it’s easy enough” to dismiss concerns over a tax on “a few individuals.” But at the end of the 1990s, when they served, “a Liberal government lowered the inclusion rate, and there were good, principle-based reasons for doing so that remain relevant today.” They say the budget, in the aim of “intergenerational fairness” seems to “miss the fact that many young people are risk-takers, too, and on a mission to create the next business-busting model.” Another of their criticisms is that the tax might force Canadians to leave the country. “Those most affected by this new tax are also those whose mobility is greatest. Canada risks losing part of its entrepreneurial class to other jurisdictions.” And they say the tax adds to double taxation – “corporate earnings are taxed once before they reach individual shareholders, only to be taxed a second time.” The authors say lower capital gains “encourage entrepreneurship” by adding a tax break. “High earners, who often serve as angel investors or venture capitalists, are often pivotal in funding startups and growth companies. Increasing capital gains taxes discourages such investment, stifling innovation and economic dynamism.” Duncan wrote as a senior fellow at the CD Howe Institute in Toronto, a nonprofit policy research organization. (See also NEWS BACKGROUNDER)


"Time to mix things up": Jewish fest moves dates & venue simply to freshen things up

alt test April 14 2024

The 21st edition of the Windsor Jewish Film festival has not changed its dates or venue due to any threats or security reasons but simply for decisions that it made on its own. The event is usually held mid-Spring but now will run June 17-20. The venue was also changed from its longtime home at Devonshire Mall to downtown’s Capitol Theatre. WJFF programmer Joe Schnayer said it was “time to mix things up” with a new location. “The Capitol brings a new energy, a new ambience and showcases downtown Windsor with lots of great restaurants and attractions nearby.” The change in dates is only because the Capitol, city-owned and operated by the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, is a busy venue and these were the next closest dates available. “The Capitol Theatre had several other events in the months of April and May (when we usually have our festival) so June was the best option for our festival this year,” he said. But, in light of the Israel-Hamas War and now the attack by Iran on the Jewish state, Schnayer said there will be extra security. “To ensure the safety of our guests and volunteers, the Windsor Jewish Film Festival will have a greater security presence than we have had in the past including a police presence throughout the festival.” Despite threats elsewhere such as in Vancouver and Hamilton “very few cities actually cancelled their festivals,” Schnayer said. “A few have postponed and Hamilton had to move to a different venue but very few have cancelled altogether.” He said the festival will continue as a public event. “It is important to our festival and our community that we continue to share Jewish culture and history, regardless of external factors.” Schnayer said 10 films will be on tap from North America, Europe and Asia.


Windsor Jewish Film Festival continues as usual, though timing and location changed

alt test March 29 2024

The Windsor Jewish Film Festival is going ahead as planned this year, though the timing has been pushed back from its usual mid-Spring schedule and the venue has been changed. The fest, now in its 21st year, “is most definitely going ahead,” Windsor Jewish Federation director Dan Brotman said. The event, named after long time lead sponsors Ruth & Bernard Friedman, is scheduled from June 17 - 20. Programming director Joe Schnayer said “our schedule has not quite been finalized just yet. However, it should very soon and will be on our website.” For years the festival was held at Devonshire Mall’s Cineplex but this year it will be held at the Capitol Theatre downtown. The move comes after the Hamilton Jewish Film Festival’s original venue, the independent Playhouse Cinema, cancelled that event earlier this month,. The Windsor and Hamilton festivals have collaborated in the past. The theater cited “numerous security and safety related emails, phone calls and social media messages," coming at a "particularly sensitive time." The decision was denounced by the city’s Jewish federation which found an alternative location at an arts centre in neighbouring Ancaster. The federation said the cinema had received "a small number" of threatening complaints from a few individuals who claimed "any film produced in Israel is a form of Zionist propaganda." It said the theatre was "prioritizing the will of antisemites over an apolitical cultural festival that stands for artistic excellence and integrity," In January, a theatre festival in Vancouver cancelled a play called The Runner, about an Israeli emergency volunteer who's life changes when he decides to aid a Palestinian woman instead of an Israeli soldier. The Hamilton fest is screening six films in early April. WON contacted the Windsor federation for more details about the June event.


Home builders, Enbridge urge City Council to reverse ruling on new natural gas pipelines

alt test March 11 2024

A local home builders group is imploring Windsor City Council to lobby the Ontario Energy Board to overturn a decision that would curtail natural gas pipelines in new developments. "The disappointing decision puts future access to natural gas in doubt and sets a deliberate course to eliminate natural gas from Ontario's energy mix," writes Brent Klundert and Melissa Schenk of the Windsor-Essex Home Builders Association. They say "future expansion projects" could be at risk including industrial parks, greenhouses and housing developments. “Ontario and our local communities are growing, and access to affordable energy to support this growth for homes and businesses is crucial. Energy infrastructure is vital to the manufacturing, agriculture, and consumer goods industries in Ontario. The impacts of this decision, which conveys a strong bias against natural gas, will stifle economic growth and put housing and energy affordability at risk – these are issues that matter the most to our municipality.” The letter is similar to one from proponent Enbridge, whose expansion plan the OEB rejected. “This decision is about the millions of Ontarians who rely on natural gas to keep their homes warm, and the many businesses throughout Ontario who depend on natural gas for day-to-day operation," writes Enbridge president Michele Harradence. "As local leaders across the province, your voice matters, and we encourage you to take action." But environmental lobby group Environmental Defence, balks at the opposition, calling the OEB's ruling "excellent" and dismisses Enbridge as fighting a decision that would "greatly reduce their profits." It says the decision would actually save customers $2 billion or $600 per customer over five years. As well, using heat pumps as opposed to natural gas is cheaper for consumers and contributes to a net zero carbon future. “The subsidy is bad for existing gas customers because they pay for the subsidy through higher energy bills,” program director Keith Brooks said. He calls on City Council to support the decision. “Without this, the OEB decision will likely be reversed by the government, as they have already said they would do.”


City could spend more than $7 million unbudgeted for new park solar lighting

alt test February 7 2024

The city could move forward with installing solar lights on all of its trails, costing over $7 million. A council committee today recommended Windsor “accelerate the timeline” to install the lights. This would be for 10 km of trails per year and having them fully installed by 2035. City administration had recommended a slower pace of five km per year until 2046. The accelerated cost would be $4.5 million or $420,000 per year plus maintenance, which would add $2.6 million over 20 years for a total of $7.1 million plus inflation. And any newly created trails also “would need to have adequate solar lighting worked into the proposed capital and operating budgets.” There is no current capital budget for the lights, a matter city officials labelled “significant financial risk.” The motion was put forward by councilor Kieran McKenzie. McKenzie originally brought the matter up in 2022 asking the city investigate more solar lighting. The city currently has just over 500 solar and 1000 hardwired lights. Some 30 solar lights per kilometre would be required to supply “adequate” light, a report said. But a lot more solar lights are needed than traditional ones or almost 3300 new solar lights. Each one (including fixture and pole) costs $1400 for a total of $4.58 million. And there's maintenance. Over a 20 year lifespan each fixture would have to be replaced at a cost of $700 (based on current prices), therefore an additional $2.65 million in operating expenses. However, solar lights generally are cheaper than hardwired lights. “Anywhere from five to eight times the cost of solar,” according to the report. The matter still has to go before city council, probably by spring.


City transit problems? It's kind of status quo

alt test January 23 2024

When it comes to regulating out of town buses and trains there’s only so much a city can do. Downtown councillor Renaldo Agostino said he’s had reports from “concerned citizens” about “out of town” buses in the city core. “I myself was almost involved in a car accident in-front of the police station where a bus just randomly stopped to drop off passengers. I’ve also had reports concerning seniors being left out in the cold waiting hours for a bus to pick them up with no shelter,” he said in question at a previous council meeting. Why, he asked, aren’t buses using the downtown bus depot? In fact FlixBus uses a designated bus stop at 62-98 Chatham St. E. (photo) “A right-of-way permit was issued to FlixBus in August 2022 to place their signage on existing stanchions within the city right-of-way,” city staff replied in a report to Windsor’s transportation committee. “The Flix signage is at the south end of the block and there is a tunnel bus stop at the north end. This permit is valid for a period of five years.” This actually prevents haphazard bus stops. “Having the bus stops in a consistent location reduces the likelihood of a bus making a random stop. The regularity of buses stopping in the area underscores the routine nature of bus activity here, diminishing the randomness of a single bus stopping here or in another location.” Staff said some cities, like Windsor, allow bus stops in public rights of way, others off of those streets such as in parking lots. FlixBus was “not interested” in using the downtown terminal, staff said. Another intercity operator pays about $50,000 to use the terminal annually. Meanwhile, councillor Jo-Anne Gignac wanted to know how slow trains that block traffic could be regulated. In short, “the city does not have the authority to limit freight train traffic impediments.” Who's responsible then? Transport Canada. And, where a crossing is blocked more than five minutes, people can call the regional office at 416-973-5540.

Photo: Google Street View ______________________________________________________________________

City to move on revamped Festival Plaza

alt test January 9 2024

Windsor City Council will be asked to proceed with Option 3 or a major revamp of the Riverfront Festival Plaza without a canopy or roof. This means a yet to be determined architectural consultant would begin a “detailed design.” The city elicited some 900 community responses for how the refreshed entertainment center, an open concrete swath before the existing stage, should look, including more landscaping, better lighting and a “flexible” space for different events. Option 3 is the least expensive, chiming in at $17.3 million. The others – a full size canopy, would have cost $67.2 million and a half size canopy, $48.1 million. Option 3 includes a water feature and better connections to Riverside Dr. Unlike the other options no part of the structure exceeds the Drive. This would have necessitated a more time-consuming process to amend the city’s official plan and zoning bylaw - “at a minimum this is anticipated to be 12-month process, however it could take longer if there is an appeal,” the council report says. The redesigned plaza would even provide a slight “climate” advantage. “By converting the hard surface to landscaping such as grass islands and trees, we can expect a minor reduction in the heat retention. Planting of trees provides opportunity for festival attendees to seek shade during extreme heat.” Administration says it will “aggressively pursue” any possible grants to help with the cost, the majority of which would be for actual construction. While Option 3 doesn’t have a roof “it supports all of the key engagement aspects of expanding events & recreation programming, expanding arts, activation & lighting, and provisions for outdoor comfort & landscaping.”

Photo: City of Windsor


City finds demand for free menstrual products "lower than expected"; likely continue pilot

alt test Dec 4 2023

The city of Windsor will likely continue a pilot project at seven municipal buildings after fewer female hygienic products were used than expected. The city began installing the products in Spring 2022 on a free of charge basis at WFCU Centre, Windsor Water World, Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre, Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex, 350 City Hall Square W., 400 City Hall Square E and Gino and Liz Marcus Community Pool. The products were installed in women’s, men’s and family washrooms at a cost of $19,000. This was for 13,500 pads, 19,500 tampons and 10,000 disposal bags. As of this October, only 2682 pads, 4000 tampons and 3500 bags were used, leaving 10,818, 15,500 and 6500 respectively. “Overall, the usage rates were lower than expected,” the city says in a report. And there were problems like “misuse.” For instance, at Windsor Water World, dispensers were damaged and “became unusable.” Instead, the product was made available at the front desk. At WIATC, CPRC and WFCU, staff found items “scattered throughout the washrooms, soaked in water and/or thrown down toilets.” This happened more frequently during community events with high attendance. But the city says while misused “the risk of this occurring is low and consistent with other vandalism occurring within our washrooms.” The city had extended the pilot project due to Covid-19 so that facility use numbers could get close to pre-pandemic levels. “There is enough supply on hand to continue this program until a future operating budget submission is needed,” the staff report says. Windsor joined communities like Sarnia, Cambridge and Peterborough in offering the products. Councillor Kieran McKenzie had first suggested the idea. Moreover, this past May, the federal government updated the Canada Labour Code so that by mid-December federally regulated employers must make menstrual products available to employees at no cost while in the workplace.


With closure of truck ferry, Ambassador Bridge applies to carry two more classes of hazmat

alt test Nov 20 2023

The Ambassador bridge is applying to carry two additional classes of hazardous materials – flammables and corrosives. In the wake of the closure of the Windsor-Detroit truck ferry, which for years carried hazmat across the river, the bridge has asked the Michigan Departmennt of Transportation (MDOT) to allow the change. The bridge would still not carry explosives, infectious substances and radioactive materials. MDOT is currently seeking public comment. The bridge argues allowing the substances “will dramatically improve safety in the State of Michigan and enhance the smooth flow of international commerce in the Detroit-Windsor corridor.” That’s because trucks carrying it won’t have to traverse densely-populated areas of metro Detroit. “Every year, approximately 4,200 truckloads of liquid petroleum depart refineries and fuel terminals in Southwest Detroit and Romulus, pass the Ambassador Bridge, and drive an additional 60 to 70 miles through heavily populated areas in Detroit, Wayne County, and Macomb County to cross at the Blue Water Bridge” in Port-Huron-Sarnia, which allows the materials, the company says. One class includes substances “to produce common goods such as batteries, paints, fertilizers, detergents, textiles, soaps and pharmaceuticals.” The bridge says that as EVs become more popular “the requirement to efficiently and safely move these critical commodities through the Detroit-Windsor corridor will increase.” The bridge says it's “fully equipped” to handle the hazmat. It already handles gases, flammable solids and poisonous materials. Its current fire containment system “meets all applicable codes” and is regularly inspected by both Windsor and Detroit fire departments. As far back as 2012 MDOT recommended the additional classes ban should be lifted but they were not. “The leadership at the time made that decision after the process was completed,” MDOT spokesman Jeff Cranson said.


U of Windsor law students, faculty, sign an open letter denouncing "new McCarthyism"

alt test Nov 7 2023

At least six members of Windsor’s legal community – all associated with the University of Windsor Ron W. Ianni Faculty of Law – have signed a fast-growing open letter denouncing as a “new McCarthyism” attempts by the greater legal community to retaliate against students who’ve shown support for Palestinian “resistance.” Last month more than 70 students at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) law school signed a letter declaring “unequivocal support” for Palestinians “and all forms of Palestinian resistance” after the widespread slaughter of more than 1400 Israelis and kidnapping of some 250 more near the Gaza border on Oct. 7. According to the letter, sponsored by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Assoc. and Scholar Strike Canada, among others, “lawyers, law firms and law schools … are conflating expressions of solidarity with Palestinians and criticism of the State of Israel as antisemitic and conduct unworthy of learning or practicing law.” Toronto employment lawyer Howard Levitt, who has been an expert guest on Windsor’s AM 800 radio, wrote, “what law firm would want to hire a racist, let alone a student whose name would now feature prominently when it is searched on Google, thereby causing embarrassment to the firm that employs them?” Levitt called for their expulsion. “As I have written, any Canadian employee in a client, public-facing or managerial position, who attends rallies featuring hate speech, can be fired for cause without severance for jeopardizing the reputation of their employer by their association. And if any of them sue, I will personally represent that employer for free.” The local signatories are: Claire Mumme, Jillian Rogin, Mary Anne Vallianatos – identified as being at Windsor Law and presumably students – and faculty members Sujith Xavier, Tess Sheldon and Vasanthi Venkatesh.

Photo: University of Windsor


City's artificial turf no environmental threat

alt test October 21 2023

Yes, artificial turf may be bad for the planet, but the city doesn’t use enough of it to cause any real threat. That’s the conclusion of city staff to a question from city councillor Kieran McKenzie. He wanted to know the fake lawn’s impact on “climate change and biodiversity.” But the city doesn’t use that much of it. Rather, staff say, it’s limited to “specific use in the public right-of-way as well as in some playgrounds and track areas within parkland.” But, a report says, rights-of-way are “not viable for natural plants and or pose safety concerns from a maintenance perspective.” Artificial turf can readily be seen installed along portions of roads like Dougall, Howard (photo), Wyandotte and Huron Church. The green material is also, believe it or not, beautiful, at least relatively. It replaces “existing concrete or brick pavers to a more natural façade,” the city says. And it’s installed in the middle of heat islands where the surrounding pavement holds summer heat “resulting in the inability for plant material to grow due to burning.” Another benefit: there’s less maintenance required such as grass cutting. The artificial stuff’s downside is it doesn’t allow nutrients for living creatures and restricts soil beneath it for burrowing insects and ground above for “soil dwellers” like worms. But any future concerns about more widespread use of the turf are allayed. The city says has “no plans” to replace “viable natural green spaces, inclusive of those used within the right-of-way or in parks, with artificial turf spaces.” Meanwhile Windsor has issued 35 artificial turf permits to private property owners since 2016. But city and private installation of the grass’s overall impact on the climate is “negligible.”

Photo: Google Street View


City tips its hat to its newest rebuilt icons

alt test October 6 2023

City Hall is giving special recognition to four redeveloped properties that have helped preserve Windsor’s history. The “Built Heritage” awards go to the group that redeveloped the former Windsor Utilities Commission building at 787 Ouellette - Tessonics Corporation (Roman & Elena Maev), Passa Architects (Joseph Passa) and Alliance Contractors (Chris Weller). The Strathcona Building at 1958-1998 Wyandotte E. - the Rosati Group. The former Intl. Playing Card Co. 1167 Mercer St. - Greater Essex County District School Board, J.P. Thomson Architects Ltd. (Colin McDonald, Adam Wakulchik, Mark Beaulieu), Haddad Morgan Associates (Will Tape), Fortis Group (Joe Maertens). And the Windsor Grove Cemetery, 455 Giles Blvd E. at Howard Ave. - Ontario Ancestors, Essex Branch (Pat Clancy, David Hutchinson, Rosemary Lunau), Windsor Grove/Windsor Memorial Gardens (Tony Andary). The awards recognize “heritage stewardship, exceptional rehabilitations, and heritage preservation.” For the former WUC (photo) “the façade improvements (add) to the overall revitalization of the downtown and the public realm along the Ouellette Avenue main street.” The Strathcona renovation included “removal of layers of paint from the brick facade (which revealed a red brick with purple undertones), masonry repairs, and the restoration of main street-appropriate storefront.” The rebuilt card company included “historical portions and details, such as repointing and retaining the tall chimney, replacing bricks to a proper match, and sourcing windows that match historic proportions” The Grove Cemetery staff “contributed to the heritage preservation of Windsor through their work in recovering headstones, cleaning cemetery markers, and transcribing and documenting the markers as well into a digital database.”

Photo: Google Street View


City has “met or exceeded” greenhouse gas reduction targets en route to net zero

alt test Sept. 22 2023

The City of Windsor is making headway on reducing carbon emissions, according to the first report on its plan to eliminate greenhouse gases since before the Covid-19 pandemic. The city has a goal of reducing emissions to zero by 2050. In 2015 the city began a long-term plan to cut energy use and greenhouses gases. It therefore uses 2014 as a baseline and compared emissions to 2019 because 2020 and 2021 - which had greater emission declines - are considered "outliers" due to Covid-19 lockdowns when the economy slowed dramatically and artificially. “Since 2014, emissions and energy consumption for the Windsor community have generally followed a downward trend,” the report says. In 2019 per-capita emissions were 8.13 tonnes compared to 8.86 in 2014. Total emissions were therefore down almost six per cent and total energy used down almost three per cent. The biggest reduction was in commercial emissions – just over 30 per cent, followed by residential at almost 12 per cent. Industrial was off close to seven per cent. “To put the community emissions into context, 1.9 million acres of forest or 26 million seedlings planted and grown for ten years would be required to sequester the carbon emitted by the Windsor community in 2021,” the report says. The city to date has “met or exceeded” all interim targets on the way to zero. The city is currently working on a 2022 report which “will provide a better representation of actual community and corporate trends as many COVID restrictions were removed.”


Developer proposes new theater for Silver City site and says other retail will vanish without it

alt test Sept. 8 2023

A prominent city developer is proposing to revitalize the former Silver City theater in south Windsor and argues that if it isn’t redeveloped other retailers in the area will move. Joe Mikhail of JBM Capital Inc. is seeking city financial incentives - and recommended by city staff - to attract a new theatre company and retail or offices to what was the Silver City building. Silver City closed more than two years ago and the building has been badly vandalized. Mikhail would spend $6.5 million, the city would grant almost $2 million over 10 years or the difference between current taxes and new taxes after the redevelopment, or 30.5 per cent of JBM’s investment. In a letter Mikhail made an emotional plea. “We would be much better off to simply take down the property and reduce the property taxes to vacant land.” However, he said, “it would be the wrong one for the city and its need to have a second venue for entertainment.” Mikhail said the theater in fact was a catalyst for attracting other commercial to the south Windsor big box area. “The theatre introduced Costco to the area, which lead to a majority of huge boxes to follow,” he said. “Its draw created a reason for Walker Road to become the dominate retail sector in the city, which then allowed residential growth to multiply.” Mikhail said a current “major retailer” has indicated that “if the theatre is not open, they will move their store outside of Windsor.” And more would follow. “With the relocation of this space, all restaurants in this area will also move or be forced to close. Other big box in the area will likely look at following this move towards Tecumseh. It would not be difficult to see the city’s tax base on Walker Rd. would diminish considerably.”

Photo: Google Street View ______________________________________________________________________

Plan would end weekly garbage pickup, require clear plastic bags instead of opaque ones

alt test August 26 2023

Windsor and Essex County residents could see their garbage collection go from weekly to bi-weekly if a new waste collection system is put in place. Also, opaque plastic bags would have to be replaced by clear plastic ones. It’s all part of a move to comply with a 2025 provincial policy to divert organic waste such as household food, paper towels and pet waste, from landfills. Already, an organics processing company has been hired, Seacliff Energy Corp. Mean while, waste management would be transferred from local municipalities to the county; currently officials are trying to determine efficiencies of scale. “There is no proposal as of yet because regionalizing the service has not even been approved, let alone what the level of service would be should the regionalization of waste collection be approved,” county spokesman Don McArthur said. County Council passed a resolution but most municipalities would have to sign on. “This uploading process is not completed yet, as regionalizing the service requires the support of at least four of the seven local municipalities comprising at least 50 per cent of the electors in Essex County,” McArthur added. And should service be uploaded residents “initially” wouldn’t see a change. In addition, service could be “enhanced” through a weekly organics collection, he said. However, should it go forward, garbage collection would change dramatically. A consultant’s report recommends ending weekly collection and replacing it with “every other week.” The report, based on results of numerous other municipalities which have implemented this, says biweekly collection is the “single most effective” way to get residents on board with organics diversion. There are “challenges,” however, such as potential for increased odours. Some municipalities offer alternatives such as placing “one bag of waste diapers and incontinence products out for collection on the alternating week from garbage collection” or double-bagging used diapers. But municipalities generally have ”successfully” overcome issues. Meanwhile, switching to clear plastic bags has "been found to increase diversion” as reminders to residents to separate materials but also “assist with the enforcing of municipal material disposal bans by allowing waste collectors to monitor for compliance and reject any bags containing banned items.” For privacy, one municipality allows “opaque bag (grocery-sized)” packaging within the larger clear bag.


Charges dropped against Windsor man over Freedom Convoy Ambassador Bridge protests

alt test August 2 2023

Charges have been dropped against Eric Lemmon of Windsor over his participation in protests in Windsor during the Freedom Convoy protests near the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor in February of last year. Alan Honner, The Democracy Fund’s (TDF) legal director and lead counsel on the case, said the Crown withdrew charges after the defence disclosed that Lemmon was on the sidewalk with video evidence backing up the theory. “This is a case where the Crown and defence worked together to achieve the right result,” Honner said. He added an "unqualified withdrawal" of charges is considered to be a “favourable resolution” to criminal charges. It’s similar to an acquittal or a stay-of-proceedings, also favourable resolutions. Lemmon was charged with mischief and disobeying a court order when he retained TDF to defend him against the charges in May of this year. A two-day trial was set to commence on August 14, 2023, before the Crown withdrew the charges Tuesday, telling Justice Jeanine LeRoy of the Ontario Court of Justice that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction. The TDF is a Canadian legal charity advancing constitutional rights and has taken on numerous cases where citizens’ civil liberties have been infringed during the Covid-19 government lockdowns.

Photo: The Democracy Fund


Bye bye Roseland as city to vote on shifting venerable curling club to the WFCU Centre

alt test August 1 2023

City Council next week will vote on a plan to close the venerable Roseland curling facility in South Windsor and transfer curling to the WFCU Centre on the city’s far east side. The cost of $525,000 for the conversion and associated costs of one of the WFCU’s rinks, including a licensed lounge, is much less than a total revamp of Roseland - $12.5 to $15 million. Much of the aged building’s structures “are at the end” of their lifecycles, a city report says. Replacement parts for the 50,000 sq. ft. building are “becoming increasingly difficult to find.” Another option would have been to demolish the clubhouse, renovate the rink and add a “small building.” Total cost: $8.5-9.3 million. A third option – building an entirely new 20,000 sq. ft. facility with five sheets would be $9 – 12 million exclusive of demolition costs for the present building and new clubhouse. The move to WFCU would see a permanent facility after conversion of one of the skating rinks. “Most arena ice pads can easily accommodate a five-sheet curling rink, using the existing refrigeration plant,” the report says. And “based on the usage of the existing six sheet facility at Roseland it is anticipated that five sheets is sufficient to maintain the same level of service while still providing opportunity for growth.” Based on public comment moving to WFCU would be best as the centre can “easily accommodate” a lounge, food services and bonspiels. Work could be completed for the 2024-25 season. Some user groups would be “displaced” to another rink with public use then “near capacity” and “public skates may no longer be offered” at same times or locations.


Stats show people recycled less last year

alt test July 21 2023

Local residents aren’t recycling as much as they previously did. Waste “diversion” through recycling boxes and other methods amounted to 51,435 tonnes last year or 32 per cent of all garbage, compared to 56,303 tonnes or 32.9 per cent in 2021. In terms of recycling boxes themselves, we put only 21,978 tonnes of paper, glass and plastics into them compared to 23,802 tonnes the previous year. But drop off at recycling centres were up – 611 to 605 tonnes. The amounts contributed by the city and county were almost the same – 10,931 and 11,047 tonnes respectively. But maybe we’re getting better about only putting pure recyclables in the boxes. That’s because “non-recyclables” like contaminated items or materials to tie recyclables together, saw a “significant” decrease from 2,632 to 1,342 tonnes, according to the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) annual report. And while diversion was “slightly lower” than in the previous year, market conditions were “very similar” and revenue from the sale of recyclables “remain exceptionally high” at least for part of the year, generating $4,681,016 vs. $4,967,436 in 2021. Cardboard drew the most income at $1,061,269, followed by PET (plastic containers) at $980,506 and old newspaper at $872,762, the latter two up substantially over 2021. Revenues have fluctuated wildly since 2015. In that year the authority made $3.1 million in income, then $4.2 million in 2017, then only $2 million in 2019, to the current figures.


National civil liberties group takes on Constable Brisco's appeal over Freedom Convoy donation

alt test July 7 2023

The Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) is taking on Windsor police constable Michael Brisco’s appeal of a police disciplinary tribunal penalty for donating to the Freedom Convoy truck protest in 2022. The JCCF has gone to bat in innumerable cases of prosecutions related to Covid-19 lockdown policies, restrictions and penalties. Brisco donated $50 when he was also on unpaid leave for refusing to get a Covid-19 vaccine. The constable, who had an otherwise perfect record during his 15 years as a local peace officer, was convicted of discreditable conduct. Brisco’s name was revealed after the GoSendGo donation site was hacked. He also wrote: “Thank you fellow Canadians for fighting for freedom at the base of Sauron’s Tower. The world is watching … and we see Trudeau’s true colours.” The donation was made Feb. 8. A state of emergency was declared Feb. 6 over the occupation in Ottawa by hundreds of truckers. The protest has been deemed an illegal activity Feb. 4. A smaller protest blocking the Ambassador Bridge also took place in Windsor. Said the Justice Centre, “This is an aggressive and unjust attack on Constable Brisco’s freedom of expression! All Canadians, including police officers, should be able to donate freely to the causes of their choosing, as part of our freedoms of expression and association, without being penalized. The Tribunal never even considered Constable Brisco’s constitutional freedoms before punishing him for exercising them!” The appeal is going before the Ontario Civil Police Commission this fall. The JCCF is seeking donations and has already spent $9000 for official transcripts. JCCF Toronto-based lawyer Chris Fleury told that he is “not aware of any police officer in Ontario having ever been charged in the context of making a charitable donation, to the Freedom Convoy or otherwise.” He wouldn’t comment on how JCCF was contacted, citing solicitor-client privilege.

Photo: JCCF


Lawyer says school board's decision to ban in-person meetings smacks of "totalitarian states"

alt test June 23 2023

A Windsor lawyer says the decision by the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) to “indefinitely” close meetings to the public is a “step towards eliminating dissent.” The board stated June 14 that “until further notice in-person attendance at meetings of the GECDSB Board of Trustees will be limited to staff and Trustees.” Without elaboration the board says this is “to allow for the orderly and expeditious completion of regular business meetings in a safe and secure setting for staff and members of the board.” But lawyer Daniel Ableser, (photo) long an observer of how elected bodies conduct business, says conducting such meetings without the public in attendance is akin to “totalitarian states, like China.” Ableser addressed the board this week via telephone after the policy went into effect. Ableser who, over the years, has also commented on issues of transparency at Windsor City Council meetings, said the board’s action flies in the face of “democratic principles that have gone back 3000 years.” Moreover, it specifically contradicts the provincial Education Act and its regulations which are ”abundantly clear” that the public “shall be open to permit physical attendance.” Ableser says the board’s reason for excluding the pubic - they can now only watch on YouTube and present delegations by phone – doesn’t cut it. If safety is the concern, he says, it should be addressed by the police, not the board. “If there’s a threat you report that to the police and they will attend,” he said. If one or two people are disruptive they are removed. Ableser said the board is following in the footsteps of other provincial and indeed, North American, school boards, by trying to eliminate critical comment or opposition. He says there’s no question boards are on the “front lines of the culture wars” but cites a double standard. They say “we want our soap box for our culture war issues but we want to be able to ban a minority viewpoint that we disagree with. And that’s tyranny of the majority.” The board’s move comes in the wake of parents protesting against a board policy to prevent them from knowing about students’ decisions to change gender identity. Ableser, who has no personal stake in the issue, has filed a complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman and says he could bring a Charter challenge. But he suspects the board may “know that they botched this” and thinks meetings will be “back to regular order.” The next meeting isn’t until October anyway.


Underground Railroad is theme of DT Civic Esplanade and City Hall Plaza redevelopment

alt test June 8 2023

The “preferred” master plan for the new City Esplanade and City Hall Plaza would be one that highlights Windsor’s integral role in the Underground Railroad of the 19th century. Called Light the Path it would create an “invigorating, informative and exciting civic” public area stretching from city hall to the riverfront. Council approved the plan late last month, the culmination of two

alt test

decades of discussion and initial concepts for a new downtown Civic Square. Two other options were Matrix Garden – an ecological concept - and River Flow, which emphasized city history. But Light the Plan would feature “inspired lighting, engaging seating opportunities and gathering spaces, interactive art and water features, and entertaining venues.” City Hall Square (top image) would have a “new type of civic space” with outline of a former military barracks and Black refugee housing, an event area and vendors space. There would also be a “francophone moment” and media screen. The Charles Clark Square ice rink would move south and form a skate trail. The Square in turn would accommodate bigger crowds and “creative geometric plazas” that serve as “outdoor rooms.” There would be much outdoor innovative seating and tables for office workers and the public. A stage and food truck area completes the profile. The Arts Park would display permanent and temporary art installations with "sculptural seating" walls. The Riverside Drive crossing would be at grade or a bridge (second image) with a signature City Beacon having a "dramatic overlook” with grand staircases of the river and Detroit skyline and monuments linked to Detroit celebrating the “harrowing stories of Black Freedom Seekers who came to Canada escaping slavery in the US.” Café tables and graffiti or mural walks would complete the scene. Execution of the plan will span several years. The price could be upwards of $30-$35 million.

Images: City of Windsor/FORREC


Group envisions "off-Broadway" independent type theatre for Windsor's theatre companies

alt test May 27 2023

Windsor’s theatre community is craving a new theater performance arts space, and a vibrant arts hub in Walkerville has a vision of creating just such a home. Shō Studios applied for but was rejected for a $3.2 million federal arts matching grant to create an independent 200-300 seat theatre that would be an entirely new building, adjacent to its current site at the corner of Wyandotte St. and Monmouth Rd. “The permanent theatre is a new build, a brand new building, we want it state of the art,” Shō’s president Lorriane Steele said. The complicated application included detailed “sketch-ups” of the new space but Steele thinks it was rejected because “we didn’t own the building.” She said “there are more hoops to jump through for government money when you’re trying to do something culturally important for the community.” She says the organization will try again. The concept has the backing of Windsor MP Irek Kusmierczyk. Shō, a Japanese word for a musical instrument that mimics the sound of the mythical Phoenix, has been in existed since 2009. The group’s building has expanded to a vibrant multi-faceted arts hub, with more than 30,000 sq. ft of artist studios and pop-up performance spaces for theatre and music. But live shows can only accommodate as many as 60 people. Steele and Susan McLeod, Shō’s secretary-treasurer, have virtually built out the venue themselves to accommodate a myriad of local artists and arts organizations. “We knew that there was a need in Windsor for more arts infrastructure,” Steele said. The city has existing theatres but they are either too large or organizationally restrictive for the kind of innovative and intimate productions Shō envisions, similar to “off-off-Broadway” or the numerous smaller independent theatres in Toronto. There are 28 theatre groups locally who could take advantage of the venue, they say. “Windsor needs this,” Steele says.


Is Windsor's $5B EV battery plant in danger?

alt test May 14 2023

Stellantis could halt work on the mammoth $5 billion NextStar Energy battery plant being built on Windsor’s east side, the Toronto Star reports. The reason? A similar plant just up the road in St. Thomas, owned by Volkswagen, is getting much more in government subsidies. Ottawa was forced to shell out the massive Volkswagen subvsidy - $13.2 billiuon over five years – to build the plant in Canada and thereby matching the US Government’s massive subsidies for electric vehicle plants under Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which gives automakers between $2700 and $3500 US for each EV battery produced. The problem is that Stellantis agreed to its government subsidy long before the IRA was passed. The Star quoted “industry sources” but Stellantis did not return requests for comment. “It would be attractive for the company to relocate stateside if Ottawa and Queen’s Park refuse to up the ante — even with the hundreds of millions of dollars already sunk into the Windsor facility, which is partially built,” the Star reports. Stellantis had actually been seeking a similar deal from the feds even before the VW payout was announced. Federal Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne confirmed the government and Stellantis are “still negotiating.” He said the government wants to be “fair (and) equitable.” But he doesn’t believe Stellantis will pull the plug on the Windsor plant, saying they’re “very committed.” The provincial government, too, is aware it may have to ante up more dollars for Windsor, the Star says. But Ottawa also maintains the two plants are different with St. Thomas’s size and ability to be “scaled up” as the EV market in North America expands. The NextStar plant is a joint partnership of Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions. The Star says Stellantis could seek a subsidy increase proportional to its battery output – 400,000 batteries/year vs. Volkswagen’s one million – or 40 percent of Volkswagen’s $13.2 billion take: $5.2 billion.


Scofflaws owe city more than $45M in fines

alt test April 27 2023

Someone’s not paying their fines. And the City of Windsor is hard-pressed to track them down. “Regardless of how effective the active collection efforts are, there still remains a significant number of outstanding fines,” city staff who handle Provincial Offences Act (POA) citations, say. As of last December there was a whopping $45,060,290 in unpaid fines. The “vast majority” have been outstanding more than a decade. But these are not all personal scofflaws but “in many cases relate to corporations.” The problems is offenders can’t be traced, may have died or are simply out of the country. The city has no choice but to write-off what’s owing. But take heed scofflaws. That doesn’t “absolve a convicted offender from the requirement to pay a fine, as debts to the Crown are owed in perpetuity and are never forgiven.” Meanwhile the city’s 12 new red-light cameras – distinguished by their box like shapes and circular lens – began operating in January 2022 and have collected more than $600,000 in fines, almost 25 per cent of all tickets. Altogether since the city took over collecting POA fines from the province in 2001, the office has obtained almost $50 million in fines. Last year POA offences averaged more than 1800 for a yearly total of almost 23,000. This resulted in $5.6 million in paid fines. The city goes after delinquent payers through municipal tax rolls, garnishment of wages and use of collection agencies. Nine delinquent accounts were added to tax rolls last year generating almost $20,000 And 63 people saw garnishments from their ages for almost $34,000. Almost $800,000 was collected by collection agencies.


Russian Federation adds two more local politicians to that country's travel ban list

alt test April 13 2023

Two more local politicians have joined a long list of Canadians banned from entering Russia as the Russia-Ukrainian War drags on. These are largely politicans, Olympic athletes and some media figures who have been outspoken in their criticism of Russia's invasion. The Russian Foreign Ministry (crest left) yesterday named Anthony Leardi (PC MPP Essex) and Lisa Gretzky (NDP MPP Windsor West), some of the 333 added to the overall list of 1537. “In view of the anti-Russian sanctions periodically imposed by the Trudeau regime against officials, politicians, experts, journalists, cultural figures and athletes from Russia, as well as anyone who does not suit the Ottawa ‘mainstream’ and the neo-Nazi authorities supported by it in Kiev, the entry into the Russian Federation is closed on a permanent basis for 333 Canadian citizens,” the Federation said in a press release. “Adhering to the principle of the inevitability of punishment, the Russian side, in response to Ottawa's hostile actions, included in the ‘stop list’ representatives of the Canadian leadership, parliamentarians and politicians of various levels, public activists and athletes involved in the spread of rabid Russophobia in the country. The Federation hopes naming the individuals will embarrass them to change their wys. But many have greeted the citation as a badge of honour coming from an illegitimate and pariah government. Says the Federation, “the measure is also intended to encourage those on the blacklist to change their behaviour.” Earlier regional additions to the list, added last summer, were Chris Lewis (Conservative MP Essex) and Marilyn Gladu (Conservative MP Sarnia-Lambton).

One year to go before green bin recycling

Oct. 2/24: It’s just a year before green bin recycling is introduced in Windsor. It will add a third – green - container to the long time red and blue recycling bins and is meant for organic waste. Several county communities such as Essex, Lakeshore, LaSalle and Tecumseh. Amherstburg, Kingsville and Leamington won’t get the program until 2027. Householders can put food waste such as fruit and vegetable skins, coffee grounds, meat and chicken, and spoiled leftovers in the bins. Almost half the garbage now put out contains food waste. Municipalities wants to cut down on resulting methane gas from landfills to reduce greenhouse emissions. The waste can also be used for fertilizer and the program will prolong the life of the regional landfill. Ironically, the waste will be processed by Leamington’s Seacliff Energy which is already handling such material from GTA municipalities including Toronto.

Pros and cons - including cost - of upgraded parking

WON Sept 11/24: Windsor could move forward with updated parking technology but there are pros and cons. City administration was responding to a question by downtown councillor Renaldo Agostino on the cost of removing parking meters and upgrading technology and potential savings. “The immediate cessation of cash payments (via an app) at all metered street parking is the quickest more cost-effective option for modernizing parking operations." The estimated "first year up-front cost" is almost $145,000. "Full modernization" including updated pay and display machines along city blocks would cost close to $2 million. The pros include convenience and efficiency and the cons the “digital divide,” “resistance to change” and cost.

Inaugural Black Film Festival this weekend

WON Aug 14/24: The inaugural Windsor International Black Film Festival gets underway Friday and runs through Sunday at the Windsor Armouries. Opening night is free with a panel discussion and short film The Cool and The Strong by Sheldyn Sam Moore. On Saturday films begin at 3 pm with the last one at 9.15 pm - $10 per person at the door. 11 films that day are on tap ranging from shorts to feature length and from Canada, the US, the Caribbean and Africa. Closing night has a red carpet at 6 pm and awards presentation.

Local MP attacks Tories over Alberta wild fires

WON July 26/24: Alberta may be a long way from Windsor. But that didn't stop Windsor-Tecumseh Liberal MP Irek Kusmierczyk from weighing-in on the Alberta wild fires which have devastated part of the vacation town of Jasper, Alta. The politician posted on social media: "this is the world that climate-denying Conservatism will leave our children.” According to The Globe and Mail Kusmierczyk was criticized for using the disaster for political purposes.

"Significant unknowns" with floating fountain

WON July 17/24: City Council is being asked to scrap a “floating fountain” to replace the Charles Brooks Memorial Peace Fountain at Reaume Park, removed due to age last year. Advantages included turning it into a “winter feature” and eliminating land-based winter storage. But the single construction proponent listed "significant unknowns” including “riverbed elevations, geotechnical sub-grade conditions including archaeological potentials, varying river levels, permits/approvals, as well as winter features subject to significant damage from ice flows over the life of the fountain.” Cost was also “far above” an estimate by the design firm. The recommendation is to dump the design with alternatives being a “like for like” floating fountain without a winter component including land storage or to “explore a land-based fountain alternative.”

City looking to expand EV charging stations

WON July 3/24: City Council will be asked to expand its EV charging stations by adding three dual-port outlets for six parking spaces. That’s in addition to the 11 stations in use since 2022. The new ones will be installed and operated at $1 cost per year per site to the city by Services FLO, a Quebec purveyor of charging stations, and telecom Telus, which will install antenna to expand mobile phone connectivity. They would ne be installed at the new Legacy (Streetcar) Beacon, Dieppe Gardens parking lot and the Casino Riverfront parking lot. User price will be market based. The current 11 stations, installed as a pilot under a grant - and with no charge to motorists - have been “considered a success,” a report says. They've been used 1,043 unique times and had 6,962 charging sessions last year alone.

Image: City of Windsor

Transit Windsor bus route will run over residents' petition

WON June 16/24: Residents of streets on Windsor’s far east side aren’t happy with a new bus route going through their neighbourhood. But Transit Windsor will introduce the route anyway. Those along Derek St. and Radcliff Ave. signed a petition against route number 345, to start later this year or next. The neighbourhood is solidly middle class with newer two storey homes. But, says the bus company, “There are many streets in the City of Windsor similar to Radcliff upon which Transit Windsor currently operates and has for a considerable period of time without any issues.” Route 345 is expected to play a “significant role” in the redesign of routes east of Tecumseh Mall as part of a new transit master plan and continued growth in bus ridership. “Should the route be altered, a significant area of the east side of the City would fall outside of Transit Windsor’s service area, denying residents the benefit of transit services,” the company says in a report to a city council committee.

Photo: Google Street View

Trump flotilla returning to the Detroit River

WON June 5/24: The Michigan Conservative Coalition is hosting the Michigan MAGA Boat Parade June 15 around the same time Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump will be in Detroit for a major conservative political gathering at downtown’s Huntington Place. “With Trump’s major event appearance in Detroit and the opportunity to celebrate President Trump’s birthday (78 on June 14) weekend with a MAGA flotilla, (it) will make this day even more special,” Rosanne Ponkowski, spokeswoman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition stated. The river event includes a 74-foot flagship and an 80-foot tugboat. It’s not the first time a Trump-related boat parade has come to the river. Supporters navigated the waterway during Trump’s 74th birthday in June 2020, when the then-president was campaigning for re-election.

Hundreds of refugee asylum seekers still remain in city hotels

WON May 24/24: Hundreds of asylum seekers still occupy two Windsor hotels (unnamed) as a result of the city agreeing to take refugee claimants who flooded Canada’s border over the last few years. A city report says that as of April 9 there were 839 in the hotels. Since early 2023 the city took in as many as 1407 claimants at Ottawa’s request. “Initially, in Windsor, 175 rooms were secured at one hotel, but due to constant demand at Canada’s border, two additional hotels were secured, for a total of 439 rooms,” the report says. That number has been reduced to two. In March of that year Canada closed the “irregular” crossing in Quebec among other areas, stymieing the refugee flow. The city told the feds it could only make available 500 rooms “due to limited local capacity” in the city’s emergency shelter system and affordable rental housing market. Funding has been provided the hotels by Ottawa.

Breakdown of what Strengthening the Core add tax levy covers

How does the $3.2 million in costs to bolster downtown improvement – generating a tax increase across the city of .70% - break down? The recommendations come from the Strategy Corp. Strengthening the Core report, recently tabled. Adding additional police would cost almost $1.4 million, more hours to the Homelessness Hub almost $1.5 million, more auxiliary police officers $217,000, a dedicated bylaw officer $81,000. And about $86,000 for a “lead” for economic development. Council is to vote on the additional levy at a special meeting May 13. – 7/5/24

Trees pretty & green but not as good as artificial noise barriers

WON April 23/24: Trees are aesthetically nice and better for the environment but they’re costly and inefficient. Planting four kilometres of them – two kilometres on each side – of the EC Row Expy between Howard and Walker would add up to as much as $1.8 million. This follows requests for noise reduction measures on the relatively barren strip by councillor Kieran McKenzie and the city’s enviro and transport committee. 1640 trees would be needed, and they would be effective only after eight years of growth. They would have to be placed strategically between the roadway and fence and avoiding the ditch. The city tends to use conifers or Columnar English Oaks which hold their leaves. But artificial sound barriers are “more effective”, a staff report says. And, regardless, the city currently has no money for the measure.

Photo: Google Street View

Devonshire mum on Jewish film fest move

WON April 8/24: More mystery surrounds this year’s edition of the Windsor Jewish Film Festival. While Windsor Jewish Fed director Dan Brotman said the festival is “most definitely” going ahead (see story this page) no further word on why the shift of dates from its usual mid-Spring start to June. As well, no indication of why the move from traditional home Cineplex Devonshire Mall to the city-owned Capitol Theatre downtown. WON contacted Cineplex and asked if it was their decision not to host the festival in light of threats against other theatres for hosting Jewish-themed films and plays, the latest being in Hamilton, in light of the Israel-Hamas war. Cineplex had nothing to do with it. “We were not approached to host this year's Windsor Jewish Film Festival but are supporting the Atlantic Jewish Film Festival, the Toronto Jewish Film Festival and the Vancouver Jewish Film Festival in 2024,” a representative said. WON also contacted two executives at the company running Devonshire Mall – regional manager Chris Savard and ops manager Brad Shepley. Neither replied to emails. The mall is owned by Primaris Reit, which owns and manages 35 retail properties across Canada.

Photo: Primaris

"Landmark event" to provide regional hospital update

WON March 26/24: The first major update on plans for Windsor's new acute care hospital is scheduled for Monday. Rotary (1918) has invited two Windsor Regional Hospital officials who will "focus on insights into the development and significance" of the hospital to be located on County Rd. 42. CEO David Musyj (pictured) and Redevelopment VP Brandon Bailey will give "unprecedented" views into the new hospital development. Calling it a "landmark event" the club says the audience "can expect to gain comprehensive knowledge about the hospital's construction milestones, operational plans, and its anticipated impact on the Windsor community."

Report says GAHS building has been sold

WON March 7/24: The Windsor Detroit Rivitalization Networks reports that the former General Amherst High School building in Amherstburg has been sold. The sprawling school in the centre of town and which hosted generations of students was closed to make way for the new North Star High School which took space in Centennial Park on the town’s periphery. “With the sale of the high school and associated properties on the east side of Sandwich St, there is sure to be changes coming down the road,” the organization said. “Sources indicate that several local bidders were unsuccessful in acquiring the site as a party from Windsor has acquired the site.” Rumour has it that Peter Valente bought it. Valente has been contacted by for comment.

Photo: Google Street View

Assumption renos on hold while church completes fundraising

WON Feb 7/24: Assumption Church is putting its renovation on hold for six months while it raises cash to complete its interior work. “We are delaying any further restoration work for six months while we focus on fundraising,” campaign spokesman Paul Mullins said. “The interior restoration is 80% complete. Our budget for the remainder of the interior restoration, including the ceiling and the sanctuary, is $1,500,000. We can still complete the entire interior restoration within a year if we can obtain the required financial support.” Overall the church has raised $5.52 million but needs only another $130,000. “We are committed to ensure that the Parish is not going to incur debt in order to complete this restoration,” Mullins said. “100% of all donations are used for restoration. Nothing is being spent on fundraising.

One-third of Windsor households have “energy poverty”

WON Jan 24/24: As the city seeks to go to “net zero” it realizes some residents are struggling with the cost of energy or “energy poverty.” Says a city hall report, “not all households find energy affordable.” Based on the 2016 Census, 35% of Windsor homes were experiencing a high home energy cost burden, which means that over 6% of the household income was spent on energy costs. 14% of homes have a “very high” energy cost burden (more than 10% of income) and 6.5% have an “extreme” high home energy cost burden (more than 15% of income). The city wants to work with utilities “to develop a full understanding” of the problem, in turn “developing opportunities to address energy access and poverty to help ensure a just transition to a low-carbon economy.”

Cost explodes for reno of bandshell that wasn't even the original one

WON Jan 10/24: Any plan to renovate the derelict Jackson Park Bandshell will start out costing more than originally anticipated - $300,000 compared to $100,000, City Council has been told. That’s for a more extensive consultant study because the structure has heritage status and for environmental and traffic impacts. Community groups have recently been pressing to preserve the building because of the role it played for Windsor’s Black community including hosting Emancipation Day celebrations and Martin Luther King Jr. But those events mainly occurred “on the original stage” (photo) destroyed in a 1957 fire. Subsequent celebrations were smaller and eventually moved to Mic Mac Park.

Lyft arrives in Windsor

WON Dec 8/23: Lyft has come to Windsor. The ride share platform joins Uber in the Rose City and environs as the international company expands into several southwestern Ontario markets. Lyft started out in Toronto in 2017 and then opened in other major Canadian cities. “Now, riders can choose Lyft for a reliable ride–whether running errands, going to the airport or meeting up with friends to explore the city,” says the company. A new user promotion is in effect.

Rats have their days

WON Nov 27/23: Rats may not be as big as alley cats but Windsor’s rat population is in flux. Since 2018 the city’s rodents number has “steadily declined” say city staff. The city provides free baiting under its Rodent Extermination Program. In 2021 there were 2,397 requests but in 2022 only 1,735. But there was a major increase in recent years. From 2007 to 2014 less than 800 baits were placed. But the number jumped in 2017 to almost 1400. “Although part of the decline is likely due to education efforts and the baiting portion of the program, a portion of the decline is due to the natural cycle of wildlife populations,” the city says.

Big charge to local power company for a minor error

WON Nov 10/23: A miniscule billing error will still mean a local energy system will have to fork over almost $3000 to a charity as a penalty as well as an administrative charge of $10,000. ELK Energy, wholly owned by the Town of Essex, serves Belle River, Comber, Cottam, Essex, Harrow and Kingsville. The company agreed to pay into the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) to help needy customers. It chose this method because to compensate customers directly would have amounted to only 30 cents per household. The error was in one charge in prorated bills between Novembers 2020 and 2023.

Region still needs doctors - lots of them

WON Oct 25/23: If you think Windsor-Essex has recruited enough doctors, think again. Despite what might be described as a generally successful almost two-decade long recruitment drive, the area is still woefully lacking MDs, says a United Way-led coalition. A local physician recruitment office is defunct because local municipal funding ran out. But between 2003 and 2019 the office recruited 569 doctors. However, says the coalition, more than 32,000 people still don’t have a primary care doc and one in five physicians are over age 65. But a motion to reestablish the office was voted down by city councillors. – 25/10/23

Red Cross: no intervention in Israel - Hamas conflict Oct 11/23: The Canadian Red Cross says it won’t intervene in the Israel-Palestinian conflict because it takes a position of “neutrality.” I asked if the agency could put pressure on its international component, as requested by a friend in Israel, to have Red Cross visit captured Israelis taken hostage last weekend in the Gaza Strip. “The Canadian Red Cross is part of the largest humanitarian network in the world and all of our services are guided by (seven principles) which includes Neutrality,” an agent wrote back. “The fundamental principle of Neutrality means that we may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.” Yet, in the current Azerbaijan – Nagornokarabakh conflict Red Cross teams were patrolling Stepanakert, looking for refugees, in Nagornokarabakh. – Ron Stang

City 311 budget could more than double for homeless outreach

WON Sept 26/23: It could more than double the cost of the city’s 311 phone service to expand it to 24/7 to improve homelessness services. That’s more than a $2 million or 105 per cent increase. Increasing hours to 16/7 would be a 65 per cent increase. Currently the city provides eight hours five days a week costing $1.9 million. A 24-hour service would cost just over $4 million and 16 hours $3.2 million. Besides the city’s own homeless services there are 10 community organizations that provide additional help and would be linked by 311. A risk analysis says this would cost “a significant amount of money and may create an expectation…..that response times will be immediate.”

City of Windsor to sell off 22 properties owned by tax deadbeats

WON Sept 12/23: The City of Windsor is going head with the sale by tender of 22 properties for which taxes haven’t been paid, owing to $390,000. The properties are ones where the city has “exhausted” all other avenues to collect the tax. Historically the city has 4000-5000 accounts where taxes haven’t been paid in full and on average 100 go to “registrations” each year. The owners then have one year to pay up or enter an extended repayment schedule. The 22 properties are ones where the one-year registration has lapsed. But the owners can pay right up to tender closing to “redeem” their properties. Historically, once notification of the advertisement of sale has been sent to the property owners at least 30-50 per cent pay right up, and an “additional” number pay after the advertisement appears, the city says.